Built For

Demo with no sales Call

Law App Legal Software

Law APP, available from July 2023!

No Servers

No Remote Desktop

No Installation

Web Browser Application

One App, One Solution

Conversion & Onboarding Covered

Full Support, how it should be!

3 min Demo video plus awesome screens and features below!

Law App Discovery

Future Proof your Law Practice

  • 1
    Latest Legal Technology

    Modern and simple Legal Practice Management Software

  • 2
    Stream Line Process

    Faster template creation, simple email management, bulk process bank transactions

  • 3
    Enjoy the Journey

    Software that is always available anywhere you go, avoid IT issues and frustrations

  • Law App in the Spot Light

    Catch up if you can

    Law App is the best web legal software in Australia today
  • 1
    From Legal CRM to Final Bill

    Law App is an all in one legal practice management software tool, web based, meaning from anywhere you can follow a clients progress from referral source to initial consult to matter management to final bill.
    Oh, do your tax with us and your Accountant too!

  • 2
    Automation for Law Firm efficiency

    Focus on your client's needs without getting bogged down by administrative headaches

  • 3
    We Can Keep Up With You

    Because our software is written with the latest tool kit of programming languages and libraries we have the ability more than any other program to keep up with the features you discover and want to use as you imagine them. As a client of Law APP you can ask our Development Team to build your ideas.

  • Reliable Legal Document Management

    Create, store, sort, find and protect legal documents easily, with the click of a few buttons, using our law firm practice management software

    Law APP enables the following:

    On screen document preview

    Advanced document content search included

    Smart legal version control

    Edit legal documents on the go

    Legal document automation software

    Track legal document changes info

    Legal document logging

    Convert documents to PDF

    Manage Legal documents in bulk

    Custom and Std legal folders

    Familiar identifiable icons

    Secure email legal document links

    Version sharing with external third parties

    Legal document locking

    Document recovery and permanent delete

    Fast legal file notes

    Easy legal document upload

    Mark legal drafts

    Brief flags

    Light glowing behind the editor
    Law App Legal software on Iphone and Android.

    Trust Accounting

    Legal Practice Software assists with Trust Account Compliance

    Fast Compliant Legal Trust Accounting

    Easy multi line legal payments

    Easy multi line legal receipts

    Customizable legal receipts

    Compliant easy legal EFT payments

    Import transactions from bank

    Receipt in reconciliation

    Integrated trust compliant reporting

    Legal trust to general reports

    Legal trust to general transfers

    Overdraw protection

    Matching reconciliation

    Quick code regular transactions

    Trust & General in one

    Multi user protection

    Legal fraud protection

    Review legal trust on the go

    Light glowing behind the editor

    Legal General Accounting

    included not external

    Bank statement import

    Legal reconciliation matching

    Auto code legal general transactions

    General bank rules

    Bulk code transactions

    Receipt legal invoice matching

    Accountant access

    BAS Help

    Cash Reporting

    Accrual Reporting

    All in one easy legal software

    ATO whitelisted

    STP compliant Legal payroll

    Quick code regular general transactions

    Legal supplier invoices

    Legal anticipated outlays

    Light glowing behind the editor
    Legal General Accounting
    Legal General Accounting

    Law Firm Billing Software

    Value billing, per unit, time based, or per item, its your preference
    Layout bills to suit you and your clients requirements

    Legal e-billing ready

    Legal value billing

    Legal itemised billing

    Quick time on the go.

    Custom legal invoice layouts

    Legal disbursement selection

    Easy Discounts

    Allocated Payments

    No Fuss reversals

    Lost time reminders

    Auto billing for Lawyers

    Re-occurring billing Release2023

    Bulk Billing Release2022

    Light glowing behind the editor
    Legal Billing
    easy legal software on apple.

    Australian Legal Templates in Law App

    Ready to use Australian Legal Templates and Document Automation

    Law App Template Builder AI Bot

    Automatically Generate Templates and Drafts

    Fully Coded Platform

    Continuously Updated Templates

    Simplified Data Entry for Document Creation

    Automated Letterhead and Footer Insertion

    State-Specific Court Forms for Australia

    Legal Matter Questions, Ready to Use

    Zero Setup for New Case Data Entry

    Compliance with Australian Templates

    Automated Location and Naming for Files

    Version Control for Easy Review

    Custom Template Creation Made Easy

    Streamlined Query Creation Tool

    Light glowing behind the editor
    Law App Legal Template Preview.
    Law App AI Bot Auto Template Builder

    Matter Management Software

    Made for Better Legal Practice Matter Management

    Advanced legal matter design

    Specific Matter data collection

    Law Specific questions sheets

    Family law Software

    Conveyancing software

    Conveyance area & settlement

    Water calc & settlements area

    Criminal law software

    Succession law software

    Litigation law software

    Personal Injury management software

    Quick templates from legal matter

    Legal Matter financial information

    Legal matter financial allocation

    Ingenious legal matter relationships

    Ready to use practice management software Australia!

    Light glowing behind the editor
    Legal File Matter Management.
    Legal Matter Management